Thursday, 19 June 2014

Winter Russians 28mm

Got a start on my Russian lead pile! 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Visit to Soldiers in Silloth

So, she thought she was getting a nice break away in the Lake District, just the two of us and the dog. Doing couple things. So she sends me into the little tourist info place in Pooley Bridge and out I come exitedly waving a leaflet and babbling on to the tune of CANWEGOCANWEGOCANWEGO!!!!!!

I had no idea there was a Toy Soldier museum in the North of England. In fact I had no idea where Silloth was? Turned out to be a town high up on the Solway Coast, not far from the border to Scotland.

So we went!

It's a small museum but packed full of total joy and magic! I met the extremely decent chap whose collection is houses and learnt that it had only been open since 2012. I purchased a few books, a Britains Herald origional ACW figure and made some donations before browsing the delights inside.

Here are a few pics, sorry for the poor quality, took them on my phone.

If you get the chance please do go and support it!